
略 歴
Born in Yamagata Prefecture in 1956.
Baptized at the age of 20, he entered Japan Bible Seminary
At 23, and was assigned to Ibusuki Church ) (Kagoshima Prefecture) of the United Church of Christ (UCCJat the age of 28, then pastored Kagoshima Kajiyacho UCCJ Church (Kagoshima Prefecture), SukagawaUCCJ Church (Fukushima Prefecture), and Kawasaki Sakaimachi Church (Kanagawa Prefecture).
Currently he is the pastor of Nasu Shiobara Mission Station. In his sermons, he hopes to share the fun and depth of the Bible.
He lives in Nasu Town with his wife and their dog, Joy (a golden retriever).
His hobbies are mountain climbing and table tennis, which he began learning at age 60.
His pet peeves are following instruction manuals and driving long distances.
His small accomplishment is that he has been to the North Pole and the Himalayas (mountain climbing from India, Nepal, and the Pamirs).
Hello! My name is Yoshiro Konno. I was really a selfish and helpless Seminary student. Mountain climbing has a similarity to faith, and when you learn about its charms, you become obsessed with liking it. When I first entered seminary, I was chasing two dreams, a genuine desire to learn more about the Christian faith and at the same time to take on the even more difficult challenge of mountain climbing. I spent my college years mountain climbing and adventuring, and even took part in a dog-drawn team that went to the North Pole on ice, which is impossible now due to global warming, but which no one in Japan had succeeded in doing. In the summer of my first year at Japan Bible Seminary, I took two and a half months off from seminary to climb a high peak in the Indian Himalayas on an unexplored route, but failed due to a surface avalanche. I told the professor that I wanted to take three months off to climb a 7,000-meter peak in Nepal. After listening to me carefully, the professor said, "But it's time for you to decide whether you want to choose the mountain or Jesus. At the time, I was so absorbed in mountain climbing, partly due to the trauma of having been swept away by an avalanche on a Himalayan mountaineering expedition the previous year with a friend who was right next to me but died while I survived. I was not able to climb to the top of the Himalayas during my sophomore year, but when I suddenly looked up at the 7800M peak on the ridge on my way back, I heard Jesus' voice saying, "Live," although it was not Paul's experience in Damascus. As a pastor, I might be scolded for saying such a thing, but since I really heard it, I had no choice but to tell the truth. After returning to Japan, I realized for the first time the meaning of the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Christ that pastors spoke of in the service. I couldn't stop crying and sobbing. I wanted to go back to seminary, or rather, I thought I had no choice but to go back, so I visited my professor again and asked him, "Please let me go back to seminary. If I go back to seminary, I won't go to the mountain again," I promised. The professor graciously allowed me to re-enter the seminary. I kept my promise, somehow graduated, and was assigned to Ibusuki Church in Kagoshima Prefecture. Next, I became a pastor of Kajiya-cho Church in Kagoshima City. Again, I wanted to stand on the top of the Himalayas, which was my long-cherished dream, and on my third attempt I climbed the 7,000-meter peak of the Permir Himalaya, and then my mountaineering fever finally settled down. Perhaps it is because I like traverse mountaineering, but I never settled down in one place, and after about 10 years, I wanted to try another challenge. I then selfishly moved to Sukagawa Church in Fukushima Prefecture and Sakaimachi Church in Kawasaki. In this way, I entered my 36th year as both pastor and kindergarten director. Upon my retirement as kindergarten director (age 65), I decided to settle down in Nasu, where I had purchased a house 20 years earlier, and when I looked for a UCCJ Church nearby, I found the Nasu Shiobara Mission Station, which was without a pastor. Since the mortgage on the house in Nasu was finished and I would be able to receive a pension, the terms were agreed upon, and I arrived in April 2022. For 37 years, I preached every Lord's Day without a break due to illness, but I also enjoyed preaching with new discoveries. I was able to continue because I love Jesus, and I think I was caught up in Him. Now that I am a part-time pastor, I have time to read theology books, and I am enjoying the joy of rediscovering the depth of the Bible.
It is a miracle that you have been given life by God's grace and that you are alive to this day. You only have one life, so let's all go out there and do what we love and what we want to do. That is what God wants most for you. May we have a certain kind of fellowship.
北極点遠征、氷原での犬ぞり At the North Pole ヒマルチュリ峰の稜線を歩く Walking the Himalayan Peaks
はじめてヒマラヤの頂上に立った時 My first Summit in the Himalayas 愛犬のジョイとのクリスマス2024年 Christmas 2024, My beloved dog Joy and me

My name is Jonathan McCurley

略 歴
Born in 1980 in Georgia, USA.
Growing up in a Christian home, he was baptized at 15 years old.
In 2001, he studied at Kwansei Gakuin University's School of Humanities as an exchange student.
After graduation, he taught as an English teacher in Kansai, received a call to ministry and entered Garrett Evangelical Seminary in Chicago in 2005.
At 28 years old, he was comissioned by the United Methodist Mission Agency as a missionary to the Asian Rural Instute in Tochigi prefecture.
In 2023, he was assigned to Nasu Shiobara Mission Station of the United Church of Christ in Japan (UCCJ) as an assistant pastor.
He enjoys talking about what is in the Bible and singing gospel music with people.
He lives in Nasushiobara City with his wife, daughter, and foster children.
His hobbies are traveling and getting to know people from other countries through different cuisines and cultural exchanges.
He is not so good at waiting quietly and eating natto (fermented soybeans)!
He is very grateful for the opportunity to have been able to mix with a wide variety of professional musicians while studying music in University.
Born in raised in the US, coming through Kansai I finally arrived here in Tochigi. I love international fellowship and music and of course Jesus! I seek to love God and I really enjoy being with the family of God, a family in which anyone can join! At the church I teach the Bible in English and work with the Young adults and youth. Together we are seeking to learn about the kingdom of God and live in it's ways. Finally I find happiness when I travel and in nature. I hope to see you at church!