就任牧師 今野善郎師 副牧師 ジョナサン・マッカーリー師
Head Pastor, Associate Pastor
Rev Yoshiro Konno Rev Jonathan McCurley
協力宣教師 マッカーリー里美師
Missionary Satomi McCurley
About Us

Nasushiobara church began worshiping in this building in 1999. Over the years in this location we have continued to grow as we walk in the grace of God. We have people who were not born in Japan as part of our congregation and in our relationship with the Asian Rural Institute, have a very international atmosphere every week. We include English translation in our service and also show our songs in Romaji so that all can sing together. We generally gather every Sunday.
Prayer Points of Nasushiobara Church for the year 2024.
(1) May those who gather for worship live their Christian faith with joy.
(2) May newly appointed Pastor Jonathan make use of his gifts and a new wind blow in the church and the Tochigi area.
(3) Because we are a small group, we pray that we can cherish each person and have a warm fellowship in the Lord.
Are you interested in walking with us, you are always welcome!