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The Church is not a building but the people, the community of faith that gathers.   While we love to gather as much as possible because we are a part of God's Special Family, we have at least the following gatherings every Sunday.  Feel free to come and visit us!

主日礼拝 10:30​~
Sunday Worship


Every Sunday we gather to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Like a big family, consider this your home and feel free to come whenever you can!
アーク (子供の教会)10:30~
ARK (Sunday School)



While we hold our Sunday Morning Service, children are invited to the next room to learnd about the Bible and pray.  Afterwards they can watch videos about God, play or do crafts.

EBS (English Bible Study) 9:00~


EBS is a gathering to learn English and to study the Bible in English.  As we speak and share together we learn deeply about the English language and about what our Creator is doing in the world through the Bible!  No matter your English level, you are welcome to this international gathering!

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